Not everyone will understand right away all the work we do on their transaction. A lot of professionals like to openly question why they should hire a real estate agent if they could just do everything online anyway.
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You’ve probably encountered this situation before.
You have a client come to an open house who is a professional, whether it be a lawyer, doctor, or accountant, and they say something like this: “You real estate agents sure make a lot of money. Why do I need to hire you if I can just use the internet and sites like Zillow to buy and sell homes?”
If you run into this situation, here’s what you have to do. You have to help them see it from a perspective that they can relate to. Let’s say the person asking you this question is a doctor. A good answer would be something like this. “As a physician, why would I need you? I can go to WebMD, figure out what kind of prescription I might need, go down to Mexico and get it, and medicate myself.”
You’ve got to appeal to their professional side.
Maybe it’s because there is a chance things could go wrong. Something bad could happen, and you could get really sick by trying to save a few bucks. Things can go wrong in the real estate transaction the same way. You might not get sick by not hiring an agent, but you could really get taken advantage of when buying or selling.
In order to win with a professional client, you need to establish yourself as a professional as well.
I hope this tip helps. If you have any questions for me, feel free to reach out and give me a call or shoot me an email. I hope to talk to you soon!